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Skills Training in Obstetric and Neonatal Emergencies


In line with the Clinic's ethos of safe, skilled, and evidence-based care, holding monthly skills/drills sessions on a range of obstetric and neonatal emergencies would help to prepare not only the Clinic's midwives but also other maternal healthcare practitioners in the area,  and ensure they are prepared and confident in handling emergency situations that may arise. 

These sessions would be held at the Clinic, with practical training followed by a research-based workshop reiterating the relevant physiology and areas of best practice in terms of managing each emergency scenario.  The workshop will also cover the referral protocols to the hospital, and likely subsequent management once the patient has been referred. 

Over the year, all major obstetric and neonatal emergencies would be covered, with guest midwives from the UK delivering some sessions. Attendance certificates will be given to all those participating in the skills/drills learning.  


For those midwives who wish to participate, a "buddy system" will be established, allowing follow-up telephone support for midwives and clinicians, either as  a means of debriefing after an emergency situation, or guidance on how to manage an emergency as it happens. 

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